Recent Understanding Of The Causes, Impacts And Deterrent Of Corruption In Indonesia
- Peneliti : Dr. ADRIANA PAKENDEK, S.H.MH 2022 S2 HUKUM
We know that efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia have been carried out in various ways, but it can be argued those are not effective. In other words, cases of corruption in Indonesia are still happening. Based on the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index, Indonesia is ranked 96th out of 1 ...
read morePerspektif Hukum Atas Peran Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dalam Penegakan Peraturan Daerah Dan Peraturan Kepala Daerah
- Peneliti : SAPTO WAHYONO, S.H.,M.Hum. 2019 HUKUM
Secara sosiologis Satpol PP dilihat sebagai lembaga perangkat daerah yang diharapkan mampu memberikan ketentraman dan perlindungan kepada masyarakat. Dalam pandangan sosiologis, Satpol PP dan masyarakat merupakan rangkaian stake holder yang saling membutuhkan dan harus terjalin secara harmon ...
read moreAn Analysis Of Export Restriction Policies For Indonesian Nickel: Strengthening Indonesia's Opportunities From The European Union's Lawsuit Regarding Export Restrictions For Nickel
- Peneliti : ADI GUNAWAN, S.H.,M.H. 2022 HUKUM
Indonesia's international trade disputes do not just happen once. It has been recorded that Indonesia has entered the WTO's green table several times in the trade dispute settlement. Then, what needs attention is that the Indonesian government was defeated in the trial at the WTO in most of the ma ...
read moreIndonesian Spatial Planning After The Enactment Of The Job Creation Law As A Formulation Effort Towards The Society Era 5.0
- Peneliti : ADI GUNAWAN, S.H.,M.H. 2022 HUKUM
Entering the society era 5.0, which is based on a computerized program, the Indonesian Government ratified Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation to increase the absorption of the number of Indonesian workers by creating job opportunities through investors with the ease and facilities provide ...
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