Detil Penelitian

Recent Understanding Of The Causes, Impacts And Deterrent Of Corruption In Indonesia

  • Dr. ADRIANA PAKENDEK, S.H.MH  2022  S2 HUKUM  Rp. 6,000,000,-

Deskripsi: We know that efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia have been carried out in various ways, but it can be argued those are not effective. In other words, cases of corruption in Indonesia are still happening. Based on the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index, Indonesia is ranked 96th out of 180 countries. Meanwhile, based on a survey from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2021, the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index is in the range of 3.88%. We have to accept that corruption is an extraordinary crime that has an impact on society and is detrimental to the state. Examples of the biggest corruption cases in Indonesia are the Jiwasraya, Asrabi, and Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) cases. This study offers current understanding of the causes, impacts and deterrent of corruption, particularly in Indonesia context. This study is a part of research project conducted in Indonesian local government. This study is important for policy makers, organisation and other related parties such as Corruption Eradication Commission, Republic of Indonesia.

Keyword: Corruption, Causes, Impacts, Deterrent, Indonesia

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