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Legal Aspects In Religional Financial Management Case Study On The Surabaya City Covernment Budget

  • SAPTO WAHYONO, S.H.,M.Hum.  2023  HUKUM  Rp. 7,000,000,-

Deskripsi: Economic development aims to enhance capabilities and freedom of choice, relying significantly on government spending. The local government's financial administration, as shown by the Regional Budget (APBD), reflects its capacity to fund governance, development, and social services. Financial ratios analysis is employed to assess the local government's performance. Regional autonomy laws empower regional authorities to provide transparent, participatory, and accountable services to the community. This study evaluates the efficiency of regional revenue realization using a descriptive juridical approach, focusing on the legal aspects of financial management in Surabaya City's local government budget.

Keyword: Religional Financial Arrangements, Local Government

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